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443 Hudson Street
Healdsburg, CA, 95448
United States


The purpose of the Reach for Home Transitional Housing Program is to provide opportunities and support for Participants to work toward self-sufficiency, independence and permanent housing. Participants work with a Program Manager to help them access resources and services that will help them make necessary changes in their lives. Further, the Program offers Participants the opportunity to develop a good credit history and positive rental history, to gain self-confidence and to become self-sufficient.

Healdsburg Bar and Grill Thanksgiving.jpg


Become a Volunteer for the homeless in northern Sonoma County. If you are interested in supporting our mission to serve the homeless, please visit us.


Help transform lives and end homelessness in Northern Sonoma County!


Volunteers are crucial to the success of Reach for Home's mission, and there are many ways you can engage.

  • Provide dinners for 30 at the L & M Village on Thursday evenings

  • Provide brunches for 30 at the L & M Village on Tuesday mornings

  • Volunteer in the office or assist with technology like website design and maintenance or social media

  • Serve on the Harvest of Hope event committee or help out on event day

  • Use your professional skills as a health educator, nurse, dentist, or veterinarian

  • Assist with gardening and property maintenance at the L & M Village

Click here to apply to be a Reach for Home volunteer